yu COACHING INFO 4 YOU: December 2009
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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mary Poppendieck to Speak. Waltham, MA Jan 7th, 6pm

As I write this, 52 folks have already registered for Mary's talk and there are only 120 total spots available. Her talk is titled "The Leadership Team and the Software Crisis: A Cautionary Tale" . Mary's talk will tell the story of a large company as it attempts to turn theory into practice, uncover barriers to sustainable change, and look in unexpected places for the root cause of the software crisis. She will also discuss governance and the role of the leadership team in developing software-intensive systems.

If you've never heard Mary speak, now is your chance. She's a terrific speaker who always has great material. And to top it all off, this event is not only free, dinner is included!

Registration has only been open for a couple of days. If you are thinking of going, now is the time to register!