yu COACHING INFO 4 YOU: November 2017
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Friday, November 24, 2017

Increasing the Odds

When we are trying something new or making important decisions, we look to an expert for guidance.  As I was making investment decisions recently, I counseled with my brother, who works in finance and has much deeper understanding than I do of stocks and the market.  I was grateful that he took the time to explain not just his recommendations, but why he was making them.  I walked away from our conversation with the ability to make more informed decisions.  Investing in the stock market always means playing the odds, so I needed to make my own decisions and assume the risk.

In educational settings, we also look to experts: the student looks to her teacher; the teacher looks to a principal or coach; the coach looks to professional literature and experts in the field.  As leaders implement educational initiatives, knowing the research in the field and seeking the advice of experts can improve the odds for success.

Recently, I worked with a team of researchers who asked experts their opinion about a new literacy initiative in our state (Arkansas).  What we learned has import not just for Arkansas and not just for literacy; what we learned has implications for any educational change initiative, so I thought I’d share the results with you. 

We asked experts (mostly Reading Hall-of-Fame members) to rate and comment on statements from our state’s literacy initiative. We also interviewed the experts to deepen our understanding of their recommendations. While the experts agreed with many of the statements our state provided to guide the reform, these education gurus had an important caution:  Context and the needs of individual students, they said, are ultimately important in instructional decision-making.  Similarly, our experts warned against the use of extremes and absolutes (as in “all,” and “every”).  The experts’ emphasis on context and flexibility remind us that there is no one-size-fits all curriculum.  These top researchers in their field, while emphasizing the value of using everything research has taught us about good instruction, admonish us to remember another thing that research has taught us:  There is no perfect method, lesson, or curriculum, because students’ needs and abilities are variable.  An initiative that does not encourage flexibility to match instruction to students’ needs is doomed to failure.

The experts we sought advice from also emphasized the importance of students’ engagement and motivation as considerations for our initiative.  And I’ll add that it’s important to consider teachers’ engagement, too.  What makes implementing an initiative motivating for teachers? Do they feel ownership for the change?  Are improvements being celebrated?  Is their expertise honored?  For educational change to have successful results, both students and teachers need to be cognitively engaged in the process. Since instructional coaches are often the feet on the ground in a change initiative, we can improve the odds of success by heeding these experts’ warnings.

As we move into the final stretch of the first semester, it’s time to take a hard look at initiatives we’ve been implementing this year.  What changes were on the docket for your district or school as the year got underway?  Pause for a moment and consider the extent to which these expert recommendations have been heeded. Are students’ needs at the core?  Are both students and teachers motivated and cognitively engaged?  Failed educational change initiatives destroy morale, waste time and resources, and limit student learning.  So seeking and heeding the advice of experts is an investment worth making.

(If you’re interested in a summary of the study about our state’s literacy initiative, you can find it here.)

This week you might want to take a look at:

Coaching veteran teachers with respect:

A really good article about fake news – teaching students to be skeptical but not dismissive of media:

I love heart maps for helping students generate writing ideas!  Find details for using them with young children here:

Lesson plan on analyzing political cartoons:

Teaching independence (think about this parenting article from a teacher perspective):

That’s it for this week.  Happy Coaching!

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Friday, November 17, 2017

Ever-Ready Prompt

The Boy Scouts have a motto that also serves coaches well:  “Be prepared.”  As coaches, we may be surprised by a comment during a coaching conversation, we might be caught in the hall for an impromptu recommendation, and we often are asked to respond when we have incomplete information.  When we’re caught off-guard or feeling confused or uninformed, it’s helpful to have a tip-of-the-tongue response to give us time to settle, think, and get the bigger picture. An ever-ready response that works well for me in these situations is, “Say more about that.”

Peter Johnston, author of the excellent book, Opening Minds, describes use of the “Say more about that” prompt as a formative assessment tool when conferring with children.  I’ve found it to be equally powerful in coaching conversations.  “Say more about that” is an invitation that prompts the teacher to give me a better understanding of the situation and think things through herself.  It gives me time to shift my focus to the current situation and gain valuable insight that allows for an informed and thoughtful response.  And as the teacher articulates the question, she often clarifies her own thinking and begins formulating solutions.

Recently, I was walking down the hall when a teacher stopped me with, “Do you have a minute?” She asked about a recommendation given at a recent training (a training I hadn’t attended), where they’d been told not to give meaning-based texts to students before they were fluent readers.  Taken aback,   I prompted, “Say more about that.”  What ensued was a healthy conversation that I hope supported her own experience and expertise as a teacher of beginning readers.  As she began talking, she seemed hesitant, but as our conversation continued, she solidified her own philosophy about the part that decodable texts might play in the balanced diet of a novice reader.  If I had jumped in with the aghast response that initially sprang to mind, I would have denied the rich thinking that ensued as we processed together.  “Say more about that” paid off.

I’m just waiting for the time when one of the teachers I’m working with turns the tables.  After I give a recommendation during a passing-in-the-hall conversation, I’ll smile and know that I am having an impact when a teacher asks me to “Say more about that.”

This week, you might want to take a look at:

Ideas for improving peer feedback during writing workshop:

What will career-ready look like in 10-15 years? Here are some guesses:

Photos sure to spark interesting conversations (and attention to detail):

Suggestions for making grades more meaningful:

How to make a hovercraft (and other inexpensive, do-it-yourself physics ideas):

That’s it for this week.  Happy Coaching!

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Friday, November 10, 2017

Noticing Change

Our brains filter information as a matter of survival.  Think of all the data our senses are feeding our brain in one minute!  So much to see, hear, and feel!  To avoid information overload, our brains select what to pay attention to.  That is a good thing.  However, it can also make us blind to change.  If, as coaches and teachers, we want to become more aware of change (and whether or not it is happening), we need two thing:  reference points and a reason to look.* 

Reference points for change are baseline data.  What did it used to be like?  A phrase my oldest son uses to talk about times past comes to mind: “Back in the day…..”  So, back in the day before I had the habit of seting a clear purpose for each activity, what was student response like?  We can count on our memories or, better yet, we can collect data on students’ responses to answer this question for ourselves or for the teacher we coach.  Past experience and record-keeping provide a reference point for recognizing change.

Having a reason to look makes specific information relevant for our brains.  We notice change when we have a reason to compare our reference point with our present reality.  Regularly scheduled meetings, such as a PLC, give us a reason to look if there’s an expectation that we will return and report.

I had a reason to look this week when I was talking with colleagues about the importance of setting a purpose for each activity.  I thought about the differences I had noticed in my own teaching.   Now that I have been consistently providing a clear purpose for each activity, when I stop to think about it, I realize that students are more active during these learning experiences, not just passive listeners.  When I show a video clip proceeded by the suggestion, “While you’re watching this video, be sure to notice….”, students sit up a little straighter and some even take notes!  Our discussion afterwards is more fruitful, too.  Having a reason to look helped me realize the positive changes that have occurred. 

Scheduling reasons to look helps everyone recognize whether changes are (or are not) occurring.  As coaches, we encourage and celebrate change.  Providing reference points and reasons to look can make our encouragement and our celebrations more focused and hopefully more frequent!

This week, you might want to take a look at:

Five ways to start a lesson:

Ideas for incorporating literature (fiction and non-fiction) into history class:

Word work that works:

Narratives of our teaching lives (or could be adapted for students):

Infographic with facts about English Language Learners:

That’s it for this week.  Happy Coaching!

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Friday, November 3, 2017

Blind Spots

As a young adult, I was sometimes accused of being unobservant.  With my nose in a book, I could easily be lost to the world around me.  That changed, however, when I became a teacher.  Teachers develop the uncanny ability to know what is going on all around them and they are sometimes accused of having eyes in the back of their heads.  Although that would be a medical oddity, it would certainly be handy in the classroom!

Lacking that extra pair of eyes, it is helpful to have a coach around!  Although teachers have well-honed observation skills, it’s not possible to attend to everything at once.  Even expert teachers benefit from another’s perspective on the teaching and learning occurring in their classroom.  Brenda Powers points out, “When someone else is poring over notes from an observation with you, or seeking clues from student work, you can’t help but see things that weren’t in your field of vision before.”  She calls these oversights “blind spots.”  In my car, I minimize my blind spots by positioning my mirrors just so.  Coaches can be like the mirrors, reflecting back for the teacher what has occurred.

It’s helpful, if possible, to meet with a teacher before observing so that you can jointly determine a focus for the observation.  That way your noticings are more likely to be useful to the teacher, focused on a concern she has already identified.  Another way to determine what noticings you’ll share is to begin a debrief conversation by asking the teacher what shenoticed during the lesson.  Linking your comments to what the teacher is already considering increases uptake.  But what if there are things that seem glaring to you but are missed by the teacher?  I can often find a way into these comments by asking a question, “What did you notice about XXX.” 

Remember the classroom management advice, “Catch them doing something good”?  We can also help to improve instruction as we notice, note, and share the moments when things are going well.  Just like with young students, improvement happens when something we only do occasionally becomes something we do regularly.  Drawing teachers’ attention to these occasional successes is likely to increase their frequency.

With all that is going on during a lesson, we want to be sure that the things we notice and discuss will be helpful. Having another pair of eyes to see, another pair of hands to record, improves instruction when the noticings are thoughtfully gathered and shared.

This week, you might want to take a look at:

Benefits of a flipped classroom:

Engaging students through play-based learning (not just for the little ones!):

A podcast on dealing with student grammar errors:

Resolve of a struggling early-career teacher:

Teaching children to fail well:

That’s it for this week.  Happy Coaching!

Like on Facebook at: facebook.com/mycoachescouch for more coaching and teaching tips!