yu COACHING INFO 4 YOU: There is no Bug. It is not the Bug that Bends, it is Only Yourself
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Monday, December 31, 2007

There is no Bug. It is not the Bug that Bends, it is Only Yourself

In the movie “The Matrix,” when Neo goes to visit the Oracle, he has a conversation with one of the potentials who is bending a spoon with his mind. The boy explains to Neo that “there is no spoon” and that “It is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.” While this is rather mystical, it occurred to me that this is a good way to think about bugs!

Often, getting a bug to bend to your will (go away), is about as easy as bending a spoon with your mind. For instance, consider the problem of coloring maps such that no two contiguous regions are the same color. Let’s say that in your experience, you’ve only ever needed 3 colors. You need to color maps using software, so you write it with the assumption that you only ever need 3 colors. You may encounter some bugs which end up putting the same color on two contiguous regions in a map that can be colored with just 3 colors. Eventually you will find and fix those bugs. But if you run your program on a map that requires 4 colors, no amount of bug fixing your program that uses 3 colors will ever work. You must realize that your assumption that 3 colors will always work is wrong.

Another problem with bugs is that sometimes fixing the bug doesn’t actually fix the root problem. You think you know what the bug is, so you make a change so that the software now behaves as desired under the given circumstances. However, there are still 5 other ways that the problem can manifest itself and you didn’t fix any of those. Plus, you’ve introduced a new problem. You don’t know about these 6 problems yet, but they are there. You’ve only fixed the symptom, not the cause. You have not bent the spoon.

Even when you find and fix the root cause of that bug, you will write more software using your existing process and it will have new bugs to replace the old bugs. The progress was an illusion. The spoon is still unbent. If anything, it is even more unyielding than before.

It is tempting to think of a bug as something that creeps into the software after it is written, something that is separate that can be isolated and removed. But really, bugs are introduced during the process of developing software. They are not separate and isolated, they are actually flaws in the process itself. The problems lie within. Only when we acknowledge this ("there is no bug") and accept it can we hope to affect real change. Agile development is an excellent platform for seamlessly incorporating the required introspection and continual improvement.

I’m not saying that real software with zero bugs is an attainable goal, only that you consider a change of perspective in order to bend the spoon a bit. The ultimate goal is to make behavioral and process changes such that no bug is found in the software that you deliver.

Next: Apply Elegant Architecture to Your Dev Team

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