yu COACHING INFO 4 YOU: Second Edition of "Do It Yourself Agile" Available as Free Download
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Second Edition of "Do It Yourself Agile" Available as Free Download

At the beginning of the month I released the first version of "Do It Yourself Agile." The response was tremendous and I am very grateful to the many people that blogged and tweeted about it. I am also very thankful for all of the feedback and suggestions that I have received. In total, the book has now been downloaded more than 4,000 times.

Here is the second version, which takes into account all of your feedback and also incorporates new sections based on recent blog posts. Please keep the feedback coming. If there is something you feel is missing, let me know. New material usually starts out as a blog post first, so you'll get immediate feedback.

While I believe that an Agile coach, whether recruited internally or externally, is still the best, fastest, and least expensive (in terms of ROI) path to Agile success, not everyone can do that. It may be politics, budget, or some other reason that prevents folks from using seasoned coaches. In any case, DIY Agile is here to stay, and the book "Do it Yourself Agile" is intended to be a resource you can lean on as you transition to Agile on your own.

Let me know what you think. I look forward to producing more versions incorporating your feedback.

The book is freely downloadable, no strings attached. I only ask that if you point people to the book, please point them to this blog post rather than linking directly to the pdf, copying the pdf, or providing the content in some other format.

"Do it Yourself Agile" (pdf) 180+ pages

"Do It Yourself Agile" - condensed web version

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