“Applause is a celebration not only of the actors but also of the audience. It constitutes a shared moment of delight.”
John Charles Polanyi
While driving in an unfamiliar city this week, I spotted a building with the word, “Bravo!” lit in bright blue to advertise the name of the acting academy housed there. I was struck by the joyous and celebratory feel of the word. “Bravo!” is a shout of approval that acknowledges a job well done.
At the close of a school year, we often take time to express our delight about positive outcomes. We cheer the growth of students, applaud the hard work of teachers, and rejoice together over our shared successes. I’ve been thinking about how to carry this celebratory stance with us throughout the year.
Verbal praise is an easy way to celebrate success. Acknowledging the goal and the actions that contributed to success encourages ongoing use of effective practices.
Writing a note leaves lasting evidence that a teacher’s effort is recognized. We can capture a “shared moment of delight,” giving specifics about what we noticed and appreciated. A personal note warms the heart!
Public acknowledgement of a job well done boosts teachers’ confidence. When talk in the teachers’ lounge includes recognition of teaching strengths or outcomes, it lifts the spirit and boosts energy for the work.
Social Sharing is another way to acknowledge success. Post videos to celebrate a job well done. Teachers glow when their students’ work is highlighted. This could be a magical whole group discussion or student presentations of their unit projects. Tweet out the good things that are happening. Digital sharing publicly recognizes amazing accomplishments.
Celebration goals support teamwork and collaboration. What is a schoolwide outcome that everyone can contribute to? This might be based off of school improvement plans or new initiatives. Set realistic goals and monitor incremental improvement. The same marble-in-the-jar or paper chain processes that motivate students can be fun ways to track growth. Then celebrate BIG when goals are achieved.
Celebration spaces create a buzz about good things that are happening Design a bulletin board where successes are celebrated. Change the display frequently to capture good things that are happening.
Celebrating the triumphs, both large and small, leads to even more success. To rephrase the words of Rita Pierson, “Every teacher needs a champion.” As we dream about next school year, let’s plan opportunities for applause. When we consistently celebrate the good things that are happening, we are shouting a metaphorical “Bravo” for their successes.
This week, you might want to take a look at:
3 Ways to More “Aha” Moments in Coaching:
A podcast on mentoring beginning teachers:
Using transition time to teach number (or letter) recognition in the early grades:
Building a community through reading a common text:
What to get rid of in your classroom library:
That’s it for this week. Happy Coaching!
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